Archives For November 30, 1999

Soul Keeper

Nae's Nest —  October 2, 2012 — Leave a comment

The was a knock at my door

I was overcome with fear

Sensing something was not right

Deep down, I knew danger was near

I opened the door against my will

A force was upon me, I just stood still

Unable to move, What am I to do?

I am looking at her, She looks like me!

As if a mirror is what I see

It makes no sense, How can this be?

 She taking my breath

She’s killing me!

She said,

I am your soul keeper, I am always near

I am tired of drifting, I am stealing your air

The breath of life is what I need, I will be you, and you will be me!

You will be drifting, following me

No life of your own, pure misery

I laugh in your face, you silly girl

You invited me into your home

And into your world

I could say nothing, for I had no air

She switched places with me, I am in despair

Following her steps, I am her prisoner

I have no choice, I can’t get rid of her

Watching my life, She took from me

Slowly I fade into her shadow

I become

Her history

Renee Robinson

Candlelit Crystal Ball

Nae's Nest —  June 4, 2012 — 2 Comments

The candle burns brightly for us

Putting off a heat, my skin is seared

The flame constantly dancing

As my heart does when you are near

Warmly  the candle shines

Reflecting off the depths of your eyes

Revealing your tender thoughts for me

A crystal ball with both future

And history

Seeing our future reflecting

Our history has only begun

Revealing all in your eyes

My heart, you have won

I see us living many seasons

From Summer’s heat and burning passion

To Fall’s beauty shows

With colors of fashion

Making love by the fireplace

Winter’s fire burning low

Jack Frost nibbles

Tenderly and slow

Spring in with eagerness

To walk the runway

Color range of emotions

Flowers bursting to play

From hot and heated

Your eyes tell it all

To blues and greens of the coolest oceans

Reflecting off a

Candlelit crystal ball

Renee Robinson

Every End Is A New Beginning.


I came across this article from one of my readers.  A wonderful writer.  I encourage to check out this blog.

This particular article caught my eye as it is appropriate to have it follow my annoucement from yesterday in my diary.

Please Enjoy


Memories Of Tomorrow

Nae's Nest —  April 20, 2012 — 4 Comments

My heart aches

Unable to concentrate

Teardrops falling wetting my cheeks

My heart cries and it leaks

Looking at a tear, I see you

Encased inside, constant reminder

I do not know what to do

Memories of all the things we have not done

Riding horses and camping fun

So many reflections reminders of you

In my heart forever tucked away

Clinging to loving memories of yesterday


If you have faith in God, you have faith in us

Open the door to your heart,  allow me in

Can you easily evict me, as if we had never been?

The door to my heart is left open wide

Hoping you will come back walking inside

Unable to see a life without you

Unable to breath when I imagine I do


The song of our hearts

An orchestra with notes in perfect pitch

Directed by God,  our song is rich

How can you deny what He has orchestrated?

Without you the music dies

Turned to tears,  the notes cry

In tune with my tears

In rhythm with my heart

How do I stop the music

Without stopping

My heart

Renee Robinson


Nae's Nest —  January 7, 2012 — Leave a comment


Toss a blanket under the trees
Along the edge the water
Let’s lay back and listen
To the music of nature
The scent of lilacs
Dancing in the air
As we hold onto each other
Fields of flowers everywhere
Mountains rise along the horizon
The sun glistens upon the water
Casting colorful reflections
God’s paintings magnificent
Man cannot recreate
This is my place
The place where I dream
It is the place which brings me joy
It lifts my esteem
I hope to share this place
With those that I love
It is my eternal place
The land above
This place is me
This place is here
This place is now
It is everywhere
It is only a heartbeat away
I am there in a blink of an eye
It is wondrous
This place lives within
The place I imagine

by Renee Robinson

Never Ending Love

Nae's Nest —  December 30, 2011 — 3 Comments

Never Ending Love

In your eyes a reflection
A slight glimpse, tell of affection
When you look at me, you steal my breath
So deep is a love, telling eyes reflect
No words are needed, your eyes speak
Shining clearly, they twinkle at me
Showing a new love, beginning to seed
Soon to grow, a new love conceived
Its beauty is flawless, I see it take root
Your eyes shining at me, and smiling
Lifting me up off  my feet
Into your arms, holding me close
Love takes over, passion ignites
Affection flows, your lips brush mine
Making me weak at the knees
Pulling closer, giving support
Never letting go, always holding strong
A never-ending love, bigger than us both

by Renee Robinson