Archives For November 30, 1999

Moment of Awakening

Nae's Nest —  April 14, 2013 — Leave a comment

Dusk and dawn

Mystical transformation

Darkness to light

Stimulates the imagination

A moment of awakening

The subconscious mind

Lost between the layers

Of colorful time

Butterflies are born

When the color tics

No longer needed

Transforms in the mist

Life is change

A kaleidoscope

A metamorphic antidote

The quietest moments of the day

Are when time and color

Come out to play

Alive and vibrant

Riding toward the horizon

Sun-kissed wings

Clouds a-blazon

Colors slowly begin to fade

The suns flame, put out for the night

Fireflies appear

Nature’s nightlight

Time for a new cycle to start

As the color dies

And the sky turns dark

Renee Robinson

Mystical Owl

Nae's Nest —  December 31, 2012 — Leave a comment

.Such a mysterious beauty

My Self And I

Nae's Nest —  September 25, 2012 — 2 Comments

We went to a magical place

My self and I

It was a lovely time

As I allowed my self to come in

I allowed her to take over

I offered complete trust

She graciously entered

All became hushed

In one soothing breath

I felt her guidance and love

I was ashamed of my neglect

She is charmed

And music follows us

Wherever we go

We talk to the birds

With whistles and chirps

Rich sounds arise

Forming a silver cloud

Upon the cloud

A table appears

A few candles for Light

As we say a few prayers

If not for God

And a Divine hand

Which painted hills, meadows and trees

Forming the land

Painted  small ripples

And great waterfalls

Countless beauty and wonders

Including storm clouds that thunder

Man could never recreate

Making one see the vastness

Leaving one breathless

Amazed at such marvels

Of Divine glory and power

I am so glad I allowed

My self to take over

To listen to her

To allow to meditate

Finding our roots

With the One who creates

One by one

She brought out our gifts

For which we were blessed

By the wave of a Hand

So many things and so long ago

She still recalled

She brought out everything

Mystical memories aglow

We are armed and ready

As we decorate

Chanting new songs of prayer

With magical notes

Hoping all is good

I will continue to seek advice

As the Sacred Day nears

What a wonderful day

Happy it will be

I will dance and pray

Great offerings I will give

In my love and devotion

On this Blessed Day

Thankful for all creation

Renee Robinson

Drift Away

Nae's Nest —  August 11, 2012 — Leave a comment

Mystical moonlit nights

Giving me comfort

Closing my eyes

Drifting away

To a happy place

Another day

Flowers painting the earth

Brushing petals professionally

The wind whistling my name

Inviting me in

I follow the wind

Entering its world

Breezes brushing my hair

Cooling my skin

I follow the wind

It takes me in

Flyaway flyaway

Floating on a cloud

Watching the world below

As the wind

Makes its rounds

Like a witch on her broom

I find myself cackling

Delighted, I am

With the magical journey

Bringing laughter to my heart

Has been so long

To feel  this way

I am myself again

Happy and free

My heart empty of the tears

Empty of the sorrow

Empty of the fears

Only giggles

And magical highs

Making me free

Riding in the sky

I don’t want to come down

I’ll stay here in this time

Inviting you in

To spend it with me

Welcome to my world

Come drift away

Drift away drift away

To a  brand new day

A happy place

Where laughter is born

Souls are kept

Spirits no longer mourn

Drift away drift away

To a  brand new day

Close your eyes

And drift away

Renee Robinson


Dappled Blessings

Nae's Nest —  June 26, 2012 — 3 Comments

There is a land of color without names Flowers left uncut, and magic in the air Energy can be seen with the eye as it dances within the clouds Evoking a beautiful and natural light show Each burst a kinetic mystical glow
A song is heard in every storm Nature’s way of washing pain Raindrops full of miracles Blessings dappled in the rain
A hummingbird landed on my hand And said “We are linked’ “I knew you before birth”, and she gave me a wink I am your guardian, Though I am small She ruffled her feathers, “I know you do not recall”
“This land lives inside of you, inside of me, inside all things growing naturally Listen with the heart, see with the soul, all things are new, all is aglow One plane or another, only a breath away With each visit you feel an urge to stay”
A dream of fields growing naturally Wild with flowers and bees making honey Maple filled trees, phenomenal offerings Everything in its place, following nature’s design Honeycomb bed for each baby, waxed and sealed until its time Just like the hummingbird, the bee is well-defined
A song is heard in every storm Nature’s way of washing pain Raindrops full of miracles Blessings dappled in the rain
There is hope with the hummingbird Keep her in your sight One day I shall be awarded With my own wings I will take flight
Renee Robinson

Enchanted Melody

Nae's Nest —  June 17, 2012 — 2 Comments

“Drug Free Zone”

There is a primitive being inside of me
 A part which never evolved
My Native Animal instinct
I can hear the haunting call
The wind will shift direction
The moon casts a new glow
A candlelight will flicker
I feel the energy flow
The night electrifies
Dreams become true
Shifting from one world
To emerge in something new
My body will speak a language
Without uttering a word
A wondrous transformation
Something wild will emerge
A completely different being
Yet still a part of me
Relying on my instinct
Primitive history
My eye goes to the flame
Now burning within
Jumping through portals
Looking for him
I consumed the flame
It dances inside
While moving my body
Magically I glide
A horn holding a soul
Begins to play
Melody enchanted
Taking me away
A little New Orleans Voodoo
Jazz horn plays again
Burning up in the smoke
In search of my man
Am I still dreaming
Or is this now real
I can no longer tell
His energy I feel
I reach out and touch
He is next to me
Appearing in my dream
Sheer destiny
He stirs and awakes
I am awake too
He is here in my bed
My dream come true
Together we mingle
Partake sweet delight
In case there is no tomorrow
We make love all night
Renee Robinson



Fight Death With Life

Nae's Nest —  June 11, 2012 — 3 Comments

Crystal Ball

The crystal ball of the Sea Gypsy


from the salt of the sea

Her hands aged with time,

she reaches and takes mine

Closer she looks into the crystal

She looks frightening but is truly gentle

My future held within, She hesitates to begin

She tells me of a dark blemish

He has broken the skin, Allowed himself in

He is after my soul and out of control

He will not stop until his spell  takes hold

The eyes of the Sea Gypsy turn from blue to gray

Fight death with life it’s the only way”

Her words echo throughout my soul, Unable to regain self-control

Fight death with life“, what does it mean?

How do I do this? What has she seen?

A giant mist came and encompassed the gypsy


And I, alone to ponder….All alone with sea….

A shark comes in to circle my boat

His fin as big as death

He circles and jumps

Slashing his tail,  like the scythe of death

Fierce, he looks with all those teeth

He proclaims to be here for me

Fearfully shaking, I point at him

Shrieking, “I Shall Not Go!”

Fight Death With Life“, I then added

Though why, I did not know

The shark seemed amused I stood my ground

As if he thought I’d willingly go

Lightening struck as I realized

The peril of the Sea Gypsy’s words:

Fight power with power and the knowledge of Hope

Where the Key of Life is guarded

Gain strength from within to defeat all sin

Back in time is Death’s demise

 Just then the Sea Gypsy’s face appeared

As heaven’s clouds parted

And with her hand

She reached down to stir up the water

Against the circle of the shark, As if turning back time

The shark couldn’t fight the sudden attack and in Time he was left behind

Along with the shark, the clouds left too

Leaving a sky of true blue

In great surprise I realized

The Sea Gypsy’s face became new

A watch breaks if wound up backward, against the Hands of time

The same is true of the shark

Stirring his waters against the tide

Draining the shark from the sea

 Forever lost in rewind

Renee Robinson

My Escape

Nae's Nest —  April 13, 2012 — 5 Comments


I awoke inside a dream

Into a land never seen

Completely lost inside the shuffle

Seem to be inside a bubble

Unable to grasp

What is before me

Searching for something

To absorb me

Wash me in color

Make me bright

Full of splendor

A wondrous sight

Give me wings

So I can fly

I want to be

A wonder

A butterfly

If only for a day

To bask in the sun

I’d like to

be special

A day of fun

I awake

I’ve lost my color

Blending with sheets


And bedcovers

Reality bites

In the form of a


Fever setting in

Making me hot

Life or death

Could go either way

Magical dreams

Take me away

A small escape from

Beeping machines

Gowns without backs

That demean

Identities wrapped

Around a wrist

Quality of life

On hold for test

Looking forward

For more pills

And my escape

Under sleep’s spell

Closing my eyes

Silently pray

Magical land

Take me


by Renee Robinson

I paint what isn’t there
What the eye has never see
I write  with new colors
Colors never dreamed
A secret world
Wondrous society
A world with wings
And magical fantasies
It is a place, I can go rest
A place I can escape
Fears, sorrows and stress
Have never been painted
They no longer exist
In my fantasy land
In my perfect world
I am the creator
I am in control
Paint myself
  The way I want to be
 Paint myself out of reality
by Renee Robinson

Crimson Moon

Nae's Nest —  April 9, 2012 — Leave a comment
I found the wings of a butterfly
Magical wings following me
They attached themselves to my shoulders
Before I knew what is happening
Carefully they lifted me up
Amid my giggles and screams
Taking me up higher and higher
To a place that houses dreams
The wings of a butterfly
Gently sat me down
Free to see this land and its dreams
 As I look around
Looking out a window -without a wall
Toward a crimson sky
A crimson moon was hanging there 
So lovely  just outside
Odd creatures roamed this land
Some frightening, others kind
Some are wizards with tall hats
And beards long with time
There seems to be no beginning or end
What” is” simply “is”
Nothing’s born, nothing dies
No growing old, only growing wise
A wolf howled at the moon
Everyone ran for shelter
I was left there, in my chair
Not knowing what was the matter
Suddenly a man entered
But he wasn’t a man at all
He looked to be a giant crow
Three of the in all
The largest one of the three
Glared his piercing eyes
He told me I had to leave
Or I would be compromised
I didn’t know what he meant
But I knew it couldn’t be good
I didn’t know what to do
I had to leave, I understood
Tiredly, I closed my eyes
I must have fallen asleep
I thought I dreamed the entire thing
Until  I saw those wings
Flying someone else up high
Into the sky
Heading for the crimson moon
To the place giant crows fly
by Renee Robinson