Archives For November 30, 1999

Mortal Sin

Nae's Nest —  April 18, 2012 — 2 Comments

There was a man, so handsome and devine

He swooned her with candlelight and fine wine

He seemed the perfect image of a man

She never saw the animal within

Promises of love and marriage

Saying his heart was true

Left her nearly blinded

Passion and desire grew

She was small and frail

True and innocent

His smile revealed fangs

Which were iridescent

Out to destroy this woman

A wolf in man’s clothing

Eager to tear her flesh

Full of hatred and loathing

OH, He will take her as his bride

She will marry into his hell

Held in a castle far from society

With no one whom she can tell

She will perform tasks for his liking

Causing her anguish and searing pain

She will wish for death ten fold over

Only to awake in his restraints

So eager to please and to be loved

She allowed the wolf to come in

Destroying her life until her death

Being mortal her only sin

Renee Robinson





Song Of Our Star

Nae's Nest —  April 12, 2012 — 2 Comments

The stars sing a special song
Only heard by spiritual ones
Musical tunes purest heard
I sing to my lover, word for word
Our star, designed for us
Telling the story of our love
We met in a dream long ago
Music was  sweet and slow
Star Keeper is my role
In love with a mortal, down below
I have a star created for him
A special light bright and trim
I have a cloud, I call home
Here for me, when my time had come
I do hope he finds another 
I don’t want him to suffer
It is hard to live alone
We need love found in poems
I love him enough to let him go
But his star will always show
Gentle reminders of our love
Giving him comfort from above
With a shine and a twinkle a nod and a sparkle
Softly singing the song of our star
Waiting for him to come afar
by Renee Robinson

Mystical Mortal

Nae's Nest —  January 10, 2012 — 1 Comment

Mystical Mortal

I am fantastic

I am spectacular

I am a Mystical Mortal

Something remarkable


I have been blessed

With a life full of joy

God even gave me

A couple of boys


I have a family

The best one could have

They drive me nuts

For that I am glad


I have many friends

Too many to count

They help me through rough times

And climb every mount


I am a Mystical Mortal

I have one life to live

I am a remarkable

With one life to give


I choose to give my life

To all of you

I choose to share myself

Something you can view


I choose to live my life

With writing something remarkable

Which will continue to live

To be Mystically IMmortal


It is a kind of magic

The kind given by man

We are all Mystic Mortals

Each special with a plan


The magic part is finding

A gift you share

The gift you each have

A gift which is rare


The trick is to find

Your special treasure

That unique quality

Where inner magic is measured


A Mystical Mortal

I am thrilled to be

A wonderful being

To be just me


by Renee Robinson