Archives For November 30, 1999


Dear Diary,.

I go in for chemo today.  Yuck.  However, I received wonderful news the tumors are shrinking.  So, the chemo is working.  We must pray it continues to do its job and get ALL of the cancer.  The Doctor may decide I need a procedure now as well.  He mentioned something about putting deceive inside my live which will deliver chemo 24/7.  So, we’ll see if that my next step today.

Well, I guess that’s all there is.  The chemo make me very tired, so some days I just can’t seem to write.  I get so tired I am truly fighting it otherwise I’d be in bed all the time.  Believe me, I am in there enough.


Nae's Nest —  June 7, 2012 — 12 Comments

Your touch

I close my eyes

I focus on you

Self hypnotize

I grow so weak


It is so hard

To cary on

I am tired

Pain comes

Pain goes

Mostly it comes

Giving one helluva show

I need rest

Sweet deep sleep

Maybe I will feel better

Once I am able

To get some rest

Chemo was just unhooked today

After 48 hours of injection

Makes my head hurt

And feel all over yucky

Unable to write

Maybe tomorrow

I will be back


Love to you all


Renee Robinson

Calling Me

Nae's Nest —  April 27, 2012 — 5 Comments

I am walking between the worlds,

Where I belong,

I do not know

Spirits are beckoning,

In every direction I go

I am on a journey,

Looking for a place,

A place to call home


A breeze invades my space,

Wrapping me in its arms,

Lifting me off my feet,

Carries me to a farm

The farm has fields,

The fields have crops,

The crops call my name,

They are calling me home


Along comes a great bird,

The bird lifts me up,

Takes me to her nest,

The bird sings to me,

Singing my name,

Singing of my home


The nest is in a tree,

The tree has leaves,

The leaves rustle in the wind,

The leaves call my name,

They are calling me home


I am confused,

I continue on this journey,

I do not know which way to go,

I do not know which way is home

Renee Robinson

It is a little know fact that even poor Humpty Dumpty has a skeleton in his closet-or in this case perhaps “crack” in his closet would be the politically correct terminology.

Humpty’s Great Uncle Chumpty Dumpty was born a cyclopse.  A rare condition meaning he was born with one eye.  However, it was not this birth defect which made him the family blemish.  It was his state of mind.

When he was just a yolk in his mother’s butt, she came down with a nasty case of the flu.  She had the trots for 3 days.  The severe pressure the flu placed on both her abdomen and her pooper scrambled Chumpty before his time.

When a young yolk is scrambled too soon, the internal organs develop a rubbery consistancy rendering them severly impaired.  Though he is diagnosed as a cyclops due to his appearance, he actually does have both eyes.  However, his other eye is on the tip of his, uh…we’ll just say “pecker”.  Whenever he wanted to get a good look at something, he’d just pull out his pecker.  He would laugh and say, “If God didn’t want me to see out of my pecker, He would not have given it an eye.”

Regardless how many eyes Uncle Chumpty used, his eye sight was poor.  He had a vulture he named Polly.  He insisted Polly was a parrot.   Believe it or not, Uncle Chumpty did get that bird to utter one phrase.  Of course, the bird would repeat these words at the worst possible moments.  Let’s say, for example, like when the Minister was over for a visit.  It was at moments like this, that bird could be heard screeching at the top of his lungs, “Polly pulled his pecker! Polly pulled his pecker!”

Uncle Chumpty passed away several years ago.  Since his condition is so rare, the Foul University of Alabama (abbreviated  FU,  AL) had his body stuffed and on display in the FU, ALL (the Foul University of Alabama Laboratory).

I thought I would write this article as a point of interest for those of you who enjoy traveling.  If a trip to Alabama is ever on the agenda, be sure to include a stop at  FU ALL.

Renee Robinson, reporter; The Nest News


Lay 123, Mr. Wiseguy

Nae's Nest —  April 24, 2012 — Leave a comment

Ok, Maybe I am a little too excited, maybe a little too anxious.  It’s my first egg.

Lay 121, New Arrival

Nae's Nest —  April 21, 2012 — Leave a comment

Cross a chick with a dog….hmmm, that would make a “dick” wouldn’t it?  Well, it’s the cutest dick I’ve ever seen.  Fun to play with too.