Archives For October 31, 2012

The Sea Spell

Nae's Nest —  November 21, 2012 — Leave a comment

The Sea Spell.

This is one of my favorite blogs.  The photography is inspiring and beautiful.

The Other Side

Nae's Nest —  November 19, 2012 — 1 Comment

It is said, in other parts of the sea, lives eternity.

 For great mysteries reside within her depths.

There is a world encased within another.

Masterfully created beyond man’s concepts.

Some would say it must be Atlantis…A land man has yet to explore.

Except for a select few who have discovered the door.

 Just over yonder

So sayst the Scriptures.

Crossing over the portal into the land beyond.

Heavily guarded is the door

Blocking the crossroads, keeping the land secure

Entrance only granted to a select few

Is your name in the role of time?

Can they select you?


Just then, a  firm voice spoke

Mystical power had been invoked

“Alas! I do not think you are ready”

“To crossover to the other side.”

“Of Spiritual growth, you are in need.”

“For you have just planted your first seed.”

“Go back and get yourself nourished.”

“For it takes time to flourish”

“Go and share my word with others”

“They too, must partake of my fruits”

“So they may explore and learn of my roots”

“I shall call them when their circle is complete”

“The hands of time must come together and meet”

“A song will be heard”

“A bell shall ring with a Spiritual knock”

“The great portal shall be opened”

“For I hold the Key to unlock”

“This Key will lead you to all of life’s secrets”

“A key which cannot be seen”

“It is the Key of Mystery”

“Unlocking the secrets of time”

“This will be your time to crossover”

“To come in and partake of my wine”

Renee Robinson










Achilles – Vietnamese Car Made of Wood | Oddity Central – Collecting Oddities.

This is incredible.  This man has amazing talent and a fantastic imagination.  Check out the intricate craftsmanship, beautiful.

New York Giants Fan Creates Breathtaking Replica of Football Team’s Old Stadium | Oddity Central – Collecting Oddities.

All I can say is, “HOLY SH*T!”

Jason Baalman Makes Cheetos Portraits of Presidential Candidates | Oddity Central – Collecting Oddities.


This is a little corny… wait “cheesy” but so am I… so here goes!  Click away and see what you think!


Nae's Nest —  November 18, 2012 — 10 Comments


Here my cat sits
With a lampshade on her head
Is she a bit tipsy?
Has she lost her grip?
I have a feeling
Someone has been in the catnip
She is a funny little girl
Still just a baby
Underage drinking
Does not make a proper lady
She rules the house
Always in command
Except for now
She can’t even stand
A clumsy little ball of fur
Chasing her toys
Rolling all around
She is such a joy
I never thought it possible
One day I’d become
The crazy cat lady
All the children make fun
Funny thing is
I am rather proud
To be the crazy lady
Made fun of in town
Boo is such a treat
There is no better gift
My sons could give
Silly company, is what she is
She makes me laugh
When I feel sick
For a moment I can forget
About my treatments
Who would of thought
I’d get so attached
One look was all it took
I was completely hooked
She has a dual face
Full of mystery
I named her Taboo
Which fits her perfectly
Not because she is a fright
Or full of monster gore
But because she is a chicken
Which I adore
Renee Robinson

Have A Talk With Your Cat

Nae's Nest —  November 18, 2012 — Leave a comment

Cat Communication 101: How to Better Understand Your Feline

Published July 12, 2012

While there are several excellent programs available that facilitate folks in learning a new language, sadly even Rosetta Stone doesn’t offer a teaching manual to assist cat guardians in becoming more fluent in the language of the cat.  Even though most cats are able to understand many words in the spoken human language, even though they are in their own way verbally adept, unfortunately feline vocal cords are not built to “talk” words to us.

Recently I have received several emails from feline-lovers asking me how to communicate more directly with their cats. So I thought this would be a purr-fect opportunity to shed some light on the subject by offering suggestions which may help cat guardians broaden their cat-vocabulary, making it easier to understand and “speak” with their kitties.

Tail-language is a simple and direct way cats send messages to other felines and their humans about their moods and what’s on their minds.

A peaceful, contented kitty may carry the tail vertically in a relaxed manner. This message generally means, “All is right with the world.”  If the tip of the tail is “S” shaped, this is a friendly message.

However, if the tail starts swishing from side to side and the velocity is increasing, that message translates into, “I am angry or highly upset about something.”

A tail that resembles a “Halloween” cat’s message is generally, “I am furious about something – so watch out!”   A “bottle brush” tail can also mean that kitty was frightened suddenly. This said, however, when Dr. Hush Puppy and Sir Hubble Pinkerton, our two Oriental Shorthair cats bush their tails starting at its base, their message to me is, “I am ecstatic happy to see you – continue petting me please.”

Oh course; it doesn’t take linguistic skill to interpret a “scaredy” cat’s tail message. When the tail is tucked between the legs, or held low to the ground, kitty may be scared or acting submissively.

Cats’ ears are not only meant to “hear you better, my dear”, they are a veritable treasure chest, filled with all sorts of “unspoken” kitty thoughts once we stop to “listen”. When ears are plastered against the head, this is an urgent warning signal that your kitty is beyond annoyed. In fact it may mean that your cat is in preparation mode to enter into battle. However, when ears are pointed forwards or perked, this is a sign that his curiosity has been aroused, wants to play and his spirit is high.

While cats’ “eyes may be the windows to the soul”, they are also inordinately expressive. Unless the room is darkened, dilated pupils means kitty is hyper attentive, fearful of being attacked, or is feeling aggressive. Slow blinking is a sure sign that the cat is feeling relaxed and secure. As Jackson Galaxy suggests, blink slowly back your cat, with an “I love you” message and most likely kitty will exchange a loving blink with you.

Take a crash course in Cat Speak to become more fluent in the art of feline communication.

Kitty-Cat Care

Nae's Nest —  November 18, 2012 — 3 Comments

Cat Whiskers: Don’t Cut! (And Other Whisker Tips)

Published July 19, 2011

Cat whiskers are important to a cat’s balance.

Cat whiskers are totally essential to cat well-being. So, in response to all the great questions posted on our article about the purpose of cat whiskers, I consulted my veterinarian.Here are her cat whisker health tips.

Q: What happens if a cat’s whiskers are cut? My cat seemed dizzy and disoriented, and started vomiting after his whiskers were accidentally trimmed.

A: Cats may get highly distressed when their whiskers are damaged, since they are important to their equilibrium. They may have difficulty walking or running straight, can become disoriented and can even fall.

Experiments done with cats whose whiskers have been cut short have shown difficulty accurately judging distances while jumping, or occasionally running into objects. The vomiting may have resulted from anxiety.

Q: Do cat whiskers grow back, once cut off?

A: Cat whiskers generally grow back within a few weeks.

Cat whiskers are made from keratin, the key structural component that makes up our hair and nails. In all animals that grows whiskers, the follicles and nerves to which the hair is attached are much larger than normal follicles, thus they grow in thicker that normal hair.

Q: Do cats shed their whiskers?

A: Cats will shed whiskers. Old ones fall out and new ones start growing to replace them. It is not uncommon to find a shed whisker on furniture or carpet, where they are easily visible.

However, if too many whiskers are shed on a regular basis, an do not grow back; it is wise to consult with a veterinarian, since this could indicate a vitamin or mineral deficiency.

Q: Would short, broken cat whiskers that have split ends indicate a health issue?

A: Whenever you notice any changes in a cat’s physical condition, it is always wise to consult with a veterinarian.

This may be a sign that the cat has an underlying medical condition requiring treatment. Split, drooping or shriveling ends may indicate that the cat is losing weight too quickly, so a prompt visit to the vet is certainly in order.

Q:  My male Persian cat was recently groomed by a highly reputable homegrooming service. Without our knowledge the groomer trimmed his whiskers. Would this trimming episode cause him to start urinating on the bed in the guest room?

A: Cat’s whiskers are extremely sensitive to the touch. Just running a finger on a whisker will cause an immediate reaction. When frightened, cats often need to re-mark their territories, which may have caused this behavior. However, inappropriate elimination is always a red-flag for a vet visit to rule out bladder stones or infections.

Q: My kitten is missing all his whiskers. He has a black mark on his chin so we suspect he may have somehow burned them. Four days have passed and all he does is sleep. He is barely eating and is lethargic. What should I do?

A: If you suspect your kitten was burned, a visit to the vet is urgently needed. While kittens need a lot of sleep, lethargy and not eating are definitely symptoms that must be immediately checked out by a veterinarian. Missing all of his whiskers may also be symptomatic of underlying illness.

In conclusion, never trim cat’s whiskers.  But, according to an old wives’ tale, if you are lucky enough to find a precious shed whisker around the house, hold onto it, and make a wish. It will come true!

Great Oak

Nae's Nest —  November 17, 2012 — Leave a comment
 My favorite place in the meadow 
Lush with green moss today
A carpet of violets, freshly installed 
With a pattern of bluebells on display
As I sit under the Old Wise Tree
I decide to talk to him
I wanted to know the secret of life;
Why are we here?
For what purpose?
What is our calling?
Who are we pleasing?
A flock of birds landed in his branches
Curiously they looked at me
Probably thinking I am crazy
Sitting here talking to a tree
I looked over at the bluebells
Something I can’t explain
But it seemed they were watching me
They too, think I am insane
I would have thought it funny but
I needed to get things off my chest
My heart was too heavy
I couldn’t let it rest
So I continued talking to the tree
Telling him all about me
All of my little secrets
I shared with no one else
All the plans I’ve had
On hold, placed on a mental shelf
For you see Old Tree,
I said with a tear
I am fighting for my life
I can’t lose!
I cried in despair
Why do we have disease?
Why do we have cancer?
If something gave us life
Why take it away?
What is the answer!
It seemed the tree was shaking
For he was dropping some leaves
And I watched his branches
As they were trying to hug me
Normally, I would have been scared
Instead, I felt a little comfort
As if the Old Oak cared
I looked at the birds
And told them
I really am going crazy
Looking down
They seemed to frown
Stretching their wings
Feeling lazy
It was then I relaxed
And snuggled up against the tree
I slept for the first time
Escaping my misery
Stirring me from my sleep
I opened up one eye
Startled I found that the tree
Somehow pulled me toward the sky
For I was among his branches
High up in the tree
His limbs were supportive
Trying to protect me
The tree started to talk
“You asked the meaning of life”
“Why is it that you are here”
 “Because Life is a gift”
“Given to you by God”
“Whose spirit lives in here”
Pointing to his own heart
But how can that be
He could have no heart
He was only a tree!
Looking up, I could see his face
And a tear streaming from his eye
“We all have a gift”, he said
“It is up to you to find”
“You were put here with love”
“Also created with it”
“We each choose how to live”
“Life is the greatest gift”
“Sickness and death is part of the cycle”
“The wheel spins not knowing when it will stop”
“Round and round it goes according to the clock”
“Where she stops no one will know”
“Will life end?  Or will life go?”
” It will keep you on your toes”
“One never knows when it will end”
“It’s all according to how it spins”
“The clock ticks, it ticks for you”
“All has a beginning and an end”
“You may be one of the few”
“Who dies before life is spent”
“Someplace else you may be needed”
“Life does not end in vain”
“There is a land picked out for you”
“Another place, another time”
“The wheel may be stopping here”
“But someplace else, it begins to spin”
I stretched and I yawned 
As my dream ends
For this is what it was
Though I looked at the tree
With suspicion in my eyes
The Great Old stood proud and still
Whether or not this was a dream
I much prefer to think it real
Now this place, I claim 
Sneaking over regularly
To visit with the tree and the birds
While the Great Oak talks to me
 Renee Robinson

A stern word

Nae's Nest —  November 17, 2012 — Leave a comment

A stern word.

These pics are wonderful.  I may be biased, as peacocks are a favorite of mine.  Of course, the captions are clever too.  Enjoy.
