Archives For August 20, 2012

Dusty Tears

Nae's Nest —  August 20, 2012 — Leave a comment

Drifting endlessly

Tumbleweed in the wind

Without sense of direction

Without thought or care

A soul lost in the dark

Having nothing to share

No rest for this soul

Doomed to roam alone

Unable to find the portal

The gate that will lead home

She looks for her child

Who died at birth

Believing the child is alive

Knowing she heard him cry

She does not know she died

With her infant by her side

She only remembers the birth

She recalls being in pain

Overwhelming weakness

Suddenly took over the strain

Making her go to sleep

Though she struggled to wake

Divided between life and death

Unaware her life was at stake

She drifted between the shadows

There was no light

Nor was there dark

She was someplace in between

A place she’s never before seen

A spiritual ghost town

A tumbleweed left to roll

She cries dusty tears

There is no one there to hear

She fails to see her decaying body

When she lays to rest

Another night spent in her grave

Until tomorrow, another day

Of dusty tears

Another day

Of endless unrest

Another day

Of looking for her child

The root of her endless quest

Renee Robinson











Nae's Nest —  August 20, 2012 — Leave a comment

Putting my eye shadow on a little heavy

but I am a great beauty

and all will be out tonight

I must dress well

I please them, give what they want

And much more

I am expected to appear a certain way

or I would disappoint them

How easily they are fooled

Thinking I am going to lead them

Thinking I am going to save them

If they would only open their eyes

open all eyes and really look for the first time

they would know

This is no one’s fault but theirs

I am only taking what they are too foolish to protect

They are practically giving me anything I could ever want

How funny it is

To allow me to take control

She continues to laugh and dance as she dresses

No one as happy as she

A serpent has been allowed to take control

She’s barely hidden under her dress

Why if they’d just open their eyes, the would see the scales

What they think is leather….lmao… REAL

Oh, so funny.  My stomach hurt from laughing

Tonight, the world is mine

I will have total control

I will be the Queen they were never seeking

Those fools, thought I would be a man

I am a woman

I am a serpent

I am both

Still, I would not be here had I not been let in

I was welcomed!

I am welcomed!

Just As I Am

Renee Robinson