Archives For December 22, 2011

Secondhand Whore

Nae's Nest —  December 22, 2011 — Leave a comment

Secondhand Whore

You shopped in my store

Took my man right out the door

He is yours, my store is closed

You cant shop here no more

Secondhand Whore, prefers leftovers

Yesterday’s news and breaking up lovers

Took my man right out the door

Closed my store, Secondhand Whore

Your heart is black, my is gold

I am fresh, you are mold

Price is paid, he is sold

Took my man, your heart is cold

Secondhand Whore, prefers leftovers

Yesterday’s news and breaking up lovers

Took my man right out the door

Closed my store, Secondhand Whore

You don’t want, what you can have

You only want, what you can grab

Taking men, off the rack

Trying him on, and throwing him back

Secondhand Whore, prefers leftovers

Yesterday’s news and breaking up lovers

Took my man right out the door

Closed my store, Secondhand Whore

by Renee Robinson

The Promise

Nae's Nest —  December 22, 2011 — 1 Comment

The Promise

Miles of mountains

Fields and desserts

Oceans apart

Only dreams

Uniting our hearts

All through the day

And during the night

Our time will come

Our hearts unite

Your face I will see

The promise complete

Souls united

When we meet

Our hearts together

Tomorrow has come

We will embrace

And become one

by Renee Robinson

Stolen Identity

December 22, 2011

Dear Diary,

Once again I find myself in gut clenching turmoil as I await results to see whether the cancer has spread.  My CEA (Carcinoembryoic Antigen) level has shot from an 1.6 average up over 33.3.

I will have a PET Scan tomorrow to see if the cancer has spread.  I have had several “recurring” cancer scares now.  I suppose it is something I will have to deal with the rest of my life.

Is it possible for one to get “used” to this?  I imagine this “game” feels much like playing Russian Ruelet.  Sooner or later, the hammer is going to strike.  One can only dodge the bullet for so long.

I will not have the results of the PET Scan until Tuesday.  Wow…that sounds so far away.  The holiday is the reason for the extra long wait.

Time stands still again.  When in sorrow time moves very slowly.  When in joy, it moves much too

fast.  When you think of it that way….Life really isn’t fair.  Just like my Mom used to always tell me when I would cry so certain my life was coming to an end (ah…the teenage mind).  Life Just Isn’t Fair.

Missing Person

Nae's Nest —  December 22, 2011 — 1 Comment

Stolen Identity

I’ve lost my sense of identity

The part of who I am

Quickly life has changed for me

No longer can I stand

It started with a nightmare

Which turned to reality

Robbing my dignity

Devouring my sense of me

The makings of a monster

Hiding under the bed

Tearing away at my flesh

Getting inside my head

Terror resides in my chest

 Making my heart flutter

Down deep within my breast

All I do is shutter

Every ring of a phone

Every second that ticks

Every drop of blood

I begin to feel sick

Has the monster grown

Waiting for more test

Has the cancer spread

Fingers stab my breast

In my chest Fear takes over

Waiting again

When will it be over

How will it end?

What will it be?

Will I die?

Where is ME?

I’ve lost my sense of identity

The part of who I am

Quickly life has changed for me

Slowly becoming history

by Renee Robinson

I’ve lost my sense of identity. My being, not just my hair or legs but my BEING…my sense of self has disappeared leaving behind this aged shell I know longer identify with. I have lost “who” I am.

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Santa Clause Has Lost His Mind

Nae's Nest —  December 22, 2011 — 3 Comments

Dedicated to all of us who have “chemo” brain. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to you all.

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