Archives For November 30, 1999

This story is a real gas!

Nae's Nest —  March 25, 2012 — 1 Comment

I found this very entertaining. Get ready to smile and maybe laugh a little.

Humbled Pie

Like most southern women my mother took primary responsibility for our religious training.  That’s not to say that southern fathers aren’t as concerned with the parochial status of progeny souls, but Dad’s idea of moral education bent more to the ‘do what the hell I tell you and your ass won’t end up in a sling’ book of prophesy.  Getting four young children clean, dressed in Sunday’s best, herded into the family Oldsmobile and actually delivered across the theological threshold on time should be enough to qualify for some unfettered length of time in paradise.  It apparently was not enough for Mother.  One day she announced she was joining the choir.

Singing in the Sunday choir allowed her the additional emotional stimulus and requisite soulful refreshment that even Wednesday night rehearsal could provide someone running a household with constant unselfish attention to everyone else’s wants and needs.  It did, however…

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Perfect Plan, Part 2

Nae's Nest —  March 14, 2012 — Leave a comment

Edna painted this. She is fabulous, but does not realize just how talented she is.

Part 2-The Family

The Waldbin family were busy unpacking.  They just moved into an old beautiful house a couple of days ago.  Mrs. Waldbin, Edna, was going through family pictures to hang in the stairway.  Mr. Waldbin, Stanley thinks she is crazy, pointing out he will be fixing the house up and all the pictures will be coming down.  Edna shrugged and said, that’s no excuse. Our house can look nice until you start the project.  He shook his head at her and went out to the barn with his son, Vic.  Stanley was busy in the barn stripping paint off the doors to the house.  He has 4 doors completed.  Underneath all that paint, he discovered the doors were solid hickory, very rustic and beautiful.  He had half-a-mind to hang the doors up now, just to prove his point to Edna.  However, it wasn’t worth causing an argument, so he and 8-year-old Vic, got busy stripping another door.  Stanley did most of the work, and Vic was his gopher.  Although, he allowed Vic to use the sander and strip some of the paint when Stanley took  small breaks.  This gave Vic some bragging rights for his friends (Yeah, I helped restore the house, you should have seen how bad it was.  I did the all of the doors!).

The barn/workshop--Stanley's "Man-Cave"

Meanwhile, Edna could not decide where to put the pictures, and she grudgingly decided Stanley was right.  So, she and little 4-year-old Shevi went into the kitchen.  Shevi ate Cheerios while Edna unpacked the last of the kitchen wares.  She was wondering what to fix for dinner.  Something easy and not too time consuming.  She decided on tacos and put the meat out to thaw.

Edna was in front of the kitchen window putting some measuring cups away when she thought she saw something in the corner of her eye.  She looked directly out the window.  There was nothing there….hmmmmmm, she thought.  She kept looking out and had a chilling sensation someone was looking at her.  Just as she was about to convince herself she was nuts,she heard something fall to the floor.n  Shevi starting crying she said she was scared.  Edna asked what she was scared of, Shevi said, “The milk flew ober my head by itself and slashed out all ober me!”, she cried.

Shevi and Winnie, Shevi's "baby"

Just then, Edna felt that cold chill slither down her spine again.  She shook it off, telling herself that Shevi just said that so she wouldn’t get in trouble for spilling the milk,  She looked at Shevi, who was looking at her with a pitiful, pouty lipped, teary-eyed, absolutely adorable face.

Edna said, “Shevi, go upstairs and jump out of your clothes.  Get your bath toys ready, I will be right up to give you a bath.”

“Oh goodie!  Can I have wats of rubbles?”

“Yes you can!”

As soon as Shevi heard Mommy say “Yes”, she was racing up the stairs, half-naked.  Edna empty the last box of a handful of things labeled “kitchen”.  Then up the stairs she went.  Shevi was running around butt naked looking for her baby, saying she needed her hair “wasped”.  Edna started to run the bath water.

Stanley yelled up the stairs, “Edna? You up there?”

Edna went to the top of the stairs, “I’m giving Shevi a bath”.

“Have you seen the band-aids?” He asked

“Yep,  I put them in the cabinet next to the fridge.  What happened?” said Edna.

“Strangest thing, I was using the sander on a door, suddenly it caught fire!”  he looked at Edna, shaking his head.  “I didn’t get a burn, I tossed the thing out of my hand so fast, it didn’t have time to burn me”, he laughed.

Shevi yelled, “Mommy!”

Stanley went on to say, “I ended up slicing my arm on the pegboard.  I am going to go back to the barn to put that board up.  I should have done so before now.  I shouldn’t have had nails sticking out of it either.”

“Daddy, Mommys busy wif ME!  You come back later. We are doin womans things now.”  Shevi yelled.

Edna said she needed to get back to the “boss lady”

Stanley chuckled and headed over to get that band-aid.

The Waldbin's, Halloween 2011

Hours later, the kids were in bed. Stanley and Edna were snuggled together on the couch.  Edna told Stanley about that strange feeling she had  while in front of the kitchen window and how Shevi  reacted when the milk was spilled.  Stanley didn’t say anything.  Edna looked up at him and asked what was on his mind.

Stanley enjoys photography.This is Edna's favorite picture he too of Vic and Zipper.

He told her more about the incident with the sander.  He said he felt a strange sensation also.

“It was creepy-like, it made my hair stand on end”, he said.

He felt “creepy” while using the sander.  He said Vic was putting things away on the pegboard.

“Then all of a sudden, Vic yelled out.  I looked over at him to ask what was wrong.  Vic cried, Daddy that screwdriver floated in the air all by itself and put itself away on the peg board.”

“I didn’t know what to say to him.  I didn’t want him to know I was creeped out too.  I didn’t say much and went back to my sanding.  That’s when it caught fire!”

Stanley and Edna just looked at each other.  Each absorbing what the other had said  They didn’t know what to think.  After a while, they decided to go to bed.

by Renee Robinson

Little Girl

Nae's Nest —  December 27, 2011 — 1 Comment

Renee Baldwin Robinson

Little girl with skinned knee
Sad little face, covered in tears
Running to her mommy
Who takes away fears
Quick fix and a kiss
Makes it go away
Makes it all better
Little girl can go play
Little girl is grown up
Skinned knees long gone
Problems are much bigger
She must carry on
Daddy’s tears pour over me
As he receives the news
Cancer has his baby girl
My life it continues to pursue
Mom’s love holds strong
Trying to glue us together
Striving for an answer
Hoping to make it all better
Daddy’s tears still flow
His heart is aching
Always be his little girl
Never forsaking

by Renee Robinson