Archives For November 30, 1999

Baby Caracal

Nae's Nest —  February 4, 2013 — Leave a comment

Baby animals are absolutely adorable.   Caracal Kittens are flat-headed and brown to red in color, with tasseled black ears.  They’re found across Africa, central Asia and southwest Asia into India in the wild.

They Live around 17 years and are extremely effective predators.    They can take down small antelope but will prey on just about anything they can catch.  From small rodents, ground birds and lizards.  The males weight around 37 lbs.  Learn more about these adorable baby animals on





Black Gums Are Considered a Sign of Beauty in West Africa
By Sumitra on January 2nd, 2013 from Oddity Central

I’ve read about people getting tattoos on the weirdest places of their bodies, but this one just beats them all. Never before have I heard of people getting their gums tattooed. Not in any particular design, but just a uniform black color. This is actually a popular practice among women in West African countries like Senegal, because over there apparently, black gums are a thing of beauty.

Tattooed black gums are especially popular in small towns and villages like Thies, in Senegal. Women here practice this ancient tradition to get a smile that is considered more attractive. Of course, the process is nothing short of painful. Marieme, from Thies, is one such young girl to have gone through the procedure. I watched a documentary on YouTube that covered her journey from having regular gums to the more desirable black variety. Before she went for it, she said, “I want black gums to obtain a more beautiful smile. It’s become an obsession. I do fear the procedure. But I’ll be OK.”

Fast-forward into the documentary a bit and you’ll see that Marieme was far from okay. The woman who administered the tattoo did not work out of a parlor, as you would expect, but from the backyard of her home. Her family pays no attention to her, and she herself doesn’t do it for the money but for the love of it. She charges little over $1 for her work, and believes that black-tattooed gums are the way to sound dental health. “I’m doing tattoos out of my own free will. It’s not something my mother taught me. By tattooing the gums we can take care of our teeth. You’ll never see our gums bleeding. We have healthy teeth. We eliminate everything that’s damaging for the mouth and never have foul breath. When you don’t expose your gums when you smile you won’t notice it. But it gives you a more attractive smile,” she said.

The tattoo is done using a black powder – a mixture obtained by burning oil and Shea butter. The customer rests her head on the woman’s lap and the powder is generously applied to the gums. After this, a sharp, needle-like instrument is repeatedly poked into the gums, causing them to be dyed black. This is done in several layers, and by the time the woman is finished, the customer is in a world of pain. Seven layers were planned for Marieme, but she began to struggle right from ‘the get-go’. “It hurts. I would never recommend this torture to anyone,” she said. “It really hurts. I thought I was going to die. But I tried to hang on.” Finally, she got only 4 layers done, and has no regrets now. Because she has beautiful gums.

According to the gum tattoo-artist, “Less and less women are doing this, but some are still interested. Especially young women who are looking for a lover. Listen to me, tattooed gums and a silver tooth: that’s what’s attractive. A woman should not have red gums. Her gums need to be dark. A nice smile attracts men. A nice smile with white teeth.” She also tells us that the custom is not generally meant for men. But there are still those men who get it done as a form of dental care, as a treatment for loose teeth or other problems.

That’s all it takes for some women in Senegal to be happy – black gums, a silver tooth, a beautiful smile. I’d have to say, the end result didn’t look all that bad after all.



Personally-I think  his talent is obvious. However, a shame to waste it on the poaching of endangered species. I would much rather preserve the LIVING species.

Artist faces JAIL over taxidermy


Like a modern day Dr Frankenstein, Enrique Gomez De Molina creates hauntingly stunning hybrid sculptures made from the stuffed parts of dead animals.

But it is his beloved mythical creatures that could land the Miami artist in jail for up to five years and see him forking out $250,000 in fines.

De Molina uses the parts of once-living animals and merges them together to create strange beings, one example features the head of two swans on the body of a goat and another shows the head of a squirrel meshed with a crab.

Mythical: Mythical: The surreal sculptures feature a doubles head swan on the body of what appears to be a goat
Creepy: This otherworldly piece is created with the head of a screaming squirrel and the body of crab Creepy: This otherworldly piece is created with the head of a screaming squirrel and the body of crab
Nightmarish: This taxidermy Sculpture called the McSparboe Salmonella is a mix of a rooster and a goatNightmarish: This taxidermy Sculpture called the McSparboe Salmonella is a mix of a rooster and a goat

The artist pleaded guilty to illegally importing parts from endangered species to make the unique pieces of art after his arrest in November, reports Miami New Times.

He smuggled in the parts, skins and remains, from whole cobras, pangolins, hornbills, and the skulls of babirusa and orangutans from areas all over the world including Bali, Indonesia, Thailand, the Philippines and China.

According to the report, he is charged with possessing the skins of a Java kingfisher, collared kingfisher, bird of paradise, and juvenile hawk-eagle as well as the carcasses of a slow loris and a mouse deer, all from Indonesia.

The artist had not obtained the required permits to import the animal parts, and police claim De Molina knew what he was doing was illegal as he asked the people he bought them from to wrap them in carbon paper, according to the MN Times.

Hybrid creature: De Molina uses the parts of once-living animals and merges them together to create strange but striking sculpturesHybrid creature: De Molina uses the parts of once-living animals and merges them together to create strange but striking sculptures
Weird: In strange example De Molina merges a goat's head and hooves with the body and tail of a skunkWeird: In this strange example De Molina merges a goat’s head and hooves with the body and tail of a skunk
Macabre: De Moline smuggled the parts of dead endangered species into America to make his unique scultpuresMacabre: De Molina smuggled the parts of dead endangered species into America to make the sculptures

De Molina’s work was exhibited at the Scope Art Fair, one of the leading Art Basel Miami Beach satellite fairs, with two of his controversial pieces fetching a total of $100,000

He offers his pieces through galleries and on the internet for prices ranging up to $80,000.

Controversial: De Molina offers his pieces through galleries and on the internet for prices ranging up to $80,000Controversial: De Molina offers his pieces through galleries and on the internet for prices ranging up to $80,000
Scary: The mythical creatures could land the Miami artist in jail for up to five years and see him forking out $250,000 in fines Scary: The mythical creatures could land the Miami artist in jail for up to five years and see him forking out $250,000 in fines
Illegal: The artist had not obtained the required permits to import the animal parts, and police claim he knew what he was doing was illegalIllegal: The artist had not obtained the required permits to import the animal parts, and police claim he knew what he was doing was illegal

The artist claims that he aimed to raise awareness with his work to the danger faced by a range of species, with his surreal pieces representing the dangers of genetic engineering and human intervention.

On a website showcasing his work he says: ‘The impossibility of my creatures brings me both joy and sadness at the same time.

The joy comes from seeing and experiencing the Fantasy of the work but that
is coupled with the sadness of the fact that we are destroying all of these beautiful things.’

De Molina’s is due to appear in court for sentencing March 2.

Read more:

Boxes Of Memories

Nae's Nest —  May 2, 2012 — 7 Comments

I once went elephant hunting.  It was one of those remarkable moments in a lifetime which will never be forgotten.  This happened, lets see…carry the 2…divide by 7…minus 3…ahh! Here we go, I went elephant hunting right-around-about 36 years ago.  Damn!  That’s a long time.  Actually, no it isn’t, but I’ll save that subject for another occasion.

I went on this particular hunt with 2 of my cousins.  Mindy and Timothy.  I traveled the distance to their home.  A fantastic adventure, in itself.  My parents came along too.  However neither were interested in hunting.  They did not even care to go on safari! 2 remarkable moments in a lifetime  and they let it pass them by.  At their age, I could understand the lack of enthusiasm for the hunt.  However, the safari?  I could never pass up an opportunity such as that!  I do believe my father would have enjoyed the safari.  I think he may have stayed behind to keep Mom and the rest of the old folks comfortable.

Timothy and Mindy led the way to their homes, which was an adventure it itself.  The prime safari season runs roughly through the months of  May to October.  I was there in July, just as the rainy season was coming to an end.  This would make the grasslands a bit tall thus more difficult to spot the large cats and other carnivores.  This was a great concern of mine.  However, my cousins assured me as long as I followed their lead-we would be fine.

Truthfully, I was not much of a hunter.  In fact, until this moment, I had never gone in my enter life. However, Mindy and Timothy,  were avid hunters and had great tales for me.  They spoke of all the fabulous game they would see.  Truly spectacular animals.

Since I was not a hunter, I also did not own a gun.  Timothy had an elephant gun which he assured me was the finest.  I could not believe the size of the ammunition.  It was big enough to take down an elephant!

We packed some snacks and Kool-aid and left early the next morning.  After great debate between Timothy and Mindy, it was decided we would hunt in an area Timothy had been wanting to try for quite sometime.  Now that the rains were over, he was confidant he could get the bus through.

Truthfully, I was a little nervous.  The bus, as I call it, was more like a beat-up long Jeep.  The fact that there were no walls was an unnerving thought-better pushed out and off the cliff of my mind.  I am a natural-born chicken and damn proud of it!..  and whats more, I intended to keep every feather on my ass intact.

Speaking of asses, though I love him dearly.  Timothy would be a pain in mine at times.  Once he got started talking he never stopped! He’d go on and on  about the most boring things he could think of.  Here we are in Florida, Kentucky of an Elephant Safari and ALL he wants to talk about is how his underwear was pinching his nut as we walk.

Speaking of walking, we had reached a point in our hunt, where the bus had to be left behind.  We had to go by foot the rest of the way.  Mindy pointed out, had we gone her way, we would not have to walk at all.  I was not a happy camper.  I traveled all the way to Florida, KY.  So far, the only critters I’d seen was a couple of bugs Timothy poked with a stick and a bee which enjoyed chasing Mindy and me.

I cannot believe Mindy hadn’t already killed and stuffed Timothy.   However, with our luck, there he’d be hanging on the wall talking away at 2.00 in the morning.  Boys!  What good were they? The 3 of us (them really, Mom makes me be polite) were getting grumpy and tired. I suppose by now, you have figured out I was child when the 3 of us went on our Safari.  We never did see any elephants that day, although Timothy swore they hung out by the holler in Aunt Margie’s yard.  We even tossed trails of peanuts hoping the elephants would pick-up the scent and sneak into the yard to eat them.  They never did, but might have-had we not eaten the nuts and tossed them the empty shells.  This was such a fun day and a wonderful childhood memory today.  I recall how quickly our hunting trip ended when we were called in to eat.  Imaginary guns replaced with real forks and spoons.

Soon after lunch, Timothy went home with his mom, my cousin Cathy.  Mindy and I were free to play the games little girls like to play.  I can recall a time when Mindy convinced me that dog biscuits tasted really good, just like cookies.  So, of course, I just had to eat one.  I forgave her just as soon as my mom was certain I would not die of dog poisoning.

Through a wonderful thing called thing Internet, I have been able to reconnect with Mindy, Cathy and many other family and friends who were hidden away under years of new memories.  How wonderful to pull out these boxes of memories stored away years ago, but never forgotten.

Renee Robinson


Wild West Coast Adventure with SANParks.

More wonderful pics of Africa, compliments of Rory Alexander.

Bath time
Mashatu Game Reserve, Botswana,


The watchful eye
Mashatu Game Reserve, Botswana,


Baby in the bush
Mashatu Game Reserve, Botswana,


Queen of the night
Mashatu Game Reserve, Botswana,



African Easter

Nae's Nest —  April 7, 2012 — 7 Comments

Easter Bunchee


African Cottontail Rabbit


One mysterious event which boggles the minds of scientists is the evolution of the Easter Bunny around the world.  One example is described  below.

Top Picture: The current Easter Bunny of Africa, or as it is known in Africa; the Easter Bunchee.  At some point in evolution, the African Cheetah and the Cottontail Rabbit united.  The Bunchee is the product of this union.

by Renee Robinson