
Nae's Nest —  October 22, 2013 — Leave a comment

A trail of breadcrumbs left behind

Memories grow stale and unfulfilling

Soon to be washed away in time’s cadence

The music will stop along with the dance

Memories of gold and silver too

Memories sad and sometimes blue

Life marches without falter

Often leading to the altar

Begging forgiveness for this or that

Striving for golden memories of you

Never to be recalled in bad taste

Life’s bread tossed away in the haste

I pray no pain when thinking of me

I wish to draw comfort and sweet melodies

I have regrets buried long ago

Mistakes made but the heart knows

My love reaches through times rings

After I am gone and spread my wings

Wishing to collect

Breadcrumbs of neglect

Devour, destroy and forgotten

Leaving only a trail of pure gold

Hoping you will follow and feed your soul

Think of me from time to time

When it is I, you want near

Hold on to times we endear

For my love for you will always be here

Renee Robinson


Nae's Nest


I find myself "Dancing With Cancer", problem is...I can't dance. I stumble, bumble, and get pulled along. To keep my sanity, (humor me), I write short stories, a journal, musings and poetry....just about anything goes.

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