Archives For October 31, 2012

Shadow Shift

Nae's Nest —  November 25, 2012 — Leave a comment

Shadow puppets

Shapeshifting of the hands

Turning into a bird

Soaring over the lands

From one realm to the next

Until I shift gears

A switch of the hand

I am a Dragon who leers

Stalking a new realm

Acting big and mean

Until I see a dino

Much much bigger than me

Tail between legs

I go running off

Quickly my hands dance

My shadow takes flight

Off to yet another world

I soar through the night

Looking for a happy place

Where I can co-exist

Start living a life

My soul can’t resist

Renee Robinson

These Photos Are Actually Pencil Perfect Drawings | Oddity Central – Collecting Oddities.

Enough of the cheese.  My belly feels like lead.   These drawings, though tasty are fattening.  That’s all, enough has been said.

Patrick Acton’s Amazing Matchstick Architecture | Oddity Central – Collecting Oddities.

I must say, of the three art pieces I’ve displayed (today), this by far is my favorite.  However, it is still early. One never knows what I may come up with next…not even I.

Dragon Beware

Nae's Nest —  November 23, 2012 — 4 Comments

There is a power

Above, below and within me

If need too

I shall call upon my own strength

To beseech my enemy

He is a beast

With a massive head

Bloodstained teeth

At times

I wish….

I was dead

Slowly he tears at my flesh

Bit by bit

Bite after bite

Inflicting pain

Too weak to fight

I call upon my energies

My eternal light

That lives within  me

The light that never goes out

I draw upon it

Refilling my strength

Taking in the power

It gives me

To continue to fight

To slay the dragon

Before it slays me

A dagger appears

Along with these words:

In the name of Heaven

Home of stars and moon

May this trouble change

May You be healed soon

I’ve taken these words

And put in a prayer

I ask for a healing hand

Dragon beware

God shall smite Thee

And I will be free

No longer will you hurt me

For you shall drown at sea

It was in my vision

Dragon shall die

It is God’s decision

It was then

The water washed up

In the shape of a hand

Grabbing hold of the Dragon

Pulling him against the sand

Deep into the sea

His final place

No longer a threat

To the human race

Like the stars

My light shines

I was spared

It wasn’t my time

Renee Robinson











All tucked up and ready for a dead-time story: Photos ‘taken by girl accused of having sex with skeleton’ show skull wrapped in a blanket on her bed

  • Gothenburg woman, 37, suspected of using 100 parts in ‘sexual situations’
  • Charged with violating peace of deceased after police investigated her flat
  • Denies allegations and claims she collected bones for historical interest
  • CDs found by detectives entitled ‘My Necrophilia’ and ‘My first experience’
  • Photos in which a woman is seen kissing and hugging skulls also found
  • But defendant claims it’s someone else and she found pictures on internet
  • She allegedly wrote on a forum: ‘I want my man like he is, dead or alive’

By MARK DUELL PUBLISHED: 12:48 EST, 21 November 2012

These are the astonishing images of a woman kissing and hugging skulls, found inside the flat of a 37-year-old who allegedly kept skeleton parts in her flat so she could have sex with them.

The Swedish woman is suspected of using 100 parts, which included six skulls and one backbone, in ‘sexual situations’ and was charged with violating the peace of the deceased, prosecutors said.

Police also allegedly found CDs titled ‘My Necrophilia’ and ‘My first experience’ as well as the photos in which a woman is seen getting close to the skulls, reported Swedish news agency TT.

The woman, who comes from south-western Sweden, was charged at Gothenburg District Court yesterday, but has denied the allegations – claiming she collected the bones out of historical interest.

The Goeteborgsposten newspaper alleged that she wrote on an internet forum a few years ago: ‘My morals set my limits and I’m prepared to take the punishment if something should happen. More…

‘It’s worth it. I want my man like he is, whether he is dead or alive. He allows me to find sexual happiness on the side.’

Photos from a morgue were found hidden in the woman’s home, as well as a drill and body bags, reported French news agency AFP. But police have found no proof that she was a grave-digger

The woman, who has admitted that the items were kept in her apartment but denies doing anything wrong, was arrested in September and faces up to two years in jail if found guilty.

‘I want my man like he is, whether he is dead or alive. He allows me to find sexual happiness on the side’

What woman ‘wrote on an internet forum’

‘Some of the photos show a woman licking a skull,’ prosecutor Kristina Ehrenborg-Staffas told The Local newspaper in Sweden. ‘We claim it’s her, but she claims it’s someone else and she found the pictures on the internet.’

She sold three skulls and a spine to a person in Uppsala earlier this year, prosecutors said.

An access code to a morgue was also said to have been found in her apartment by detectives.

Read more:
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Caters News Agency

Oddity Central – Weird Places, Odd Events, Bizarre News, Strange People and A Lot More.

By Spooky —–This is more on the story below,  Renee


Published: 21st November 2012

Velma Lyrae, 51, spends up to 18 hours a day in her homemade Faraday-style chamber and cannot use mobile phones, hairdryers, satnav or WiFi because she is allergic to electromagnetic fields.

Velma, who has electromagnetic hypersensitivity syndrome, spends her day reading, doing artwork and writing letters instead.

And if she goes out she has to wear a special scarf that shields from electromagnetic waves surrounding her.

Her condition emerged when 3G mobiles were introduced.

Though it is believed previous electric shocks make people more susceptible.

As a teenager Velma suffered a shock when she touched the switch of an electric fire in her bathroom.

At first the symptoms were barely noticeable but they have become progressively worse over time.

Now Velma has agonising head and nerve pain, memory loss, tinnitus, heart palpitations, vertigo and aching joints if she gets near technology.

It has left her unable to work and forced her to spend most of her day behind wire mesh in her flat in Blackheath, South London.

Velma made the structure herself from second hand material costing £300. A brand new cage would have cost her £800.

She claims metal fibres in the netting reflect the electro-magnetic waves and stop her from suffering EMS symptoms.

Velma, who uses a specially protected laptop, said: “I can’t do anything that normal people do without my symptoms showing. I have to do everything in my cage — eat, sleep, read, write.

“I always wear a shielded scarf round my head when I leave the house to protect myself from radiation signals

“It’s made my life a living hell.”

Velma worked as a secretary for a number of firms in the 1980s but was forced to quit her job.

She said: “Even back then I could feel a huge agitation when using the computer, but I thought it was just because I didn’t have the technological skills.

“Now I know that I was starting to feel the symptoms of my EHS. I don’t have a job and my social life is non-existent.

“My friends are very supportive but there’s only so much time you can spend with the woman that can’t go anywhere or do anything.

“I used to love going to festivals and experiencing live music, but because everyone has a mobile I can’t even go near a gig now.

“The last gig I went to was Radiohead. I knew I was getting worse and wouldn’t be able to go to any more so I wanted to make it a good one.

“It’s so sad that I can no longer do the things I enjoy.”

Electrical Sensitivity, also known as electromagnetic hypersensitivity, is recognised in Spain and Sweden but so far health authorities in Britain have not formally recognised the condition.

Velma said: “I’ve been to my GP countless times begging for tests, but they say there’s people worse off than me and do nothing.

“It is so frustrating that medicine isn’t keeping up with the technology.

“Independent experts say in five years’ time 50 per cent of the population could be affected at current exposure levels

“We desperately need a white zone — an area where there’s little or no emissions — where we can go to relax and recuperate.”

Dr Erica Mallery-Blythe said: “The symptoms of EHS can cover a broad range of systems, often start subtly and can be mistaken for other medical conditions.

“Adults and children today are exposed to very high levels of electromagnetic fields (EMF) that no life on the planet has ever witnessed before.

“It is no surprise that the numbers of those with EHS and other conditions linked with EMF exposure are rising.

Read more:

Wing To Wing

Nae's Nest —  November 22, 2012 — 2 Comments

The Swans dance on the Lake

The music is in the wind

They dance as a couple in love

Wing to wing

They seem to ascend

Making crazy eights

Wedding Rings

I watch as they leap

A perfect ballet

Watery stage

Creating silhouettes

In the sun’s ray

Dance of love

Swan’s melody

Touching wing to wing

Graceful and elegant

Feathered harmony

Like no other bird

The Dancers of Swan Lake

The music is heard

Over the hills

Gales of wind

Traveling fast

The miles are vast

Listen if you can

Imagine the Swan

Long slender neck

And large wing span

A lover’s dance

On Swan lake

A beautiful rendition

Make no mistake

Renee Robinson

Jeweler Creates Mechanical Creepy Crawlers from Watch Parts and Light Bulbs | Oddity Central – Collecting Oddities.  Thank you Spooky at

Jeweler Creates Mechanical Creepy Crawlers from Watch Parts and Light Bulbs | Oddity Central - Collecting Oddities

Amateur Artist Turns Apartment Building into Urban Art Gallery | Oddity Central – Collecting Oddities.

By Spooky at Oddity Central =



Nae's Nest —  November 22, 2012 — Leave a comment

Watching my reflection as it comes into focus

On a bounty of water

Pleasant and relaxing

The water ripples from boats in the distance

That and the wind make focus resistant

The sun goes down into a pool of water

Striking color across the sky

The sun and the moon are in competition

For the moon is visible too

The moon vies for some attention

A bit jealous of the sun

I try to soothe her with my words

I tell her she will rule the night

No one can deny her presence

When she shines so big and full and bright

Creating spectacular rippled reflections

Showing off and glowing white

The sky is full of glorious color

A beautiful ending

A soothing goodnight

Renee Robinson