Archives For November 19, 2012

The Other Side

Nae's Nest —  November 19, 2012 — 1 Comment

It is said, in other parts of the sea, lives eternity.

 For great mysteries reside within her depths.

There is a world encased within another.

Masterfully created beyond man’s concepts.

Some would say it must be Atlantis…A land man has yet to explore.

Except for a select few who have discovered the door.

 Just over yonder

So sayst the Scriptures.

Crossing over the portal into the land beyond.

Heavily guarded is the door

Blocking the crossroads, keeping the land secure

Entrance only granted to a select few

Is your name in the role of time?

Can they select you?


Just then, a  firm voice spoke

Mystical power had been invoked

“Alas! I do not think you are ready”

“To crossover to the other side.”

“Of Spiritual growth, you are in need.”

“For you have just planted your first seed.”

“Go back and get yourself nourished.”

“For it takes time to flourish”

“Go and share my word with others”

“They too, must partake of my fruits”

“So they may explore and learn of my roots”

“I shall call them when their circle is complete”

“The hands of time must come together and meet”

“A song will be heard”

“A bell shall ring with a Spiritual knock”

“The great portal shall be opened”

“For I hold the Key to unlock”

“This Key will lead you to all of life’s secrets”

“A key which cannot be seen”

“It is the Key of Mystery”

“Unlocking the secrets of time”

“This will be your time to crossover”

“To come in and partake of my wine”

Renee Robinson










Achilles – Vietnamese Car Made of Wood | Oddity Central – Collecting Oddities.

This is incredible.  This man has amazing talent and a fantastic imagination.  Check out the intricate craftsmanship, beautiful.

New York Giants Fan Creates Breathtaking Replica of Football Team’s Old Stadium | Oddity Central – Collecting Oddities.

All I can say is, “HOLY SH*T!”

Jason Baalman Makes Cheetos Portraits of Presidential Candidates | Oddity Central – Collecting Oddities.


This is a little corny… wait “cheesy” but so am I… so here goes!  Click away and see what you think!