Archives For December 17, 2011

Dirty Flame

Nae's Nest —  December 17, 2011 — Leave a comment

Dirty Flame

Dirty Flame

You used to hold my tail feather

Yet traded me in for another

Snugglepuss is her name

She is your dirty flame

Worn out figure and bloodshot eyes

What could she possibly satisfy?

 Snagglepuss is her name

Full of poison and insane

You both belong together

Lethal actions and evil endeavors

Sourpuss is her name

Public property, stake your claim

She goes through men one by one

You are no different, you are so dumb

Bitter tongue ready to lash

Spitting you out like spoiled trash

You both belong together

Lethal actions and evil endeavors

Snugglepuss is her name

She is your dirty flame

by Renee Robinson

My Journey With Cancer

June 22, 2010


Dear Diary,

My Doc cancelled my last chemo treatment due to the side effects I have been experiencing. I am still wondering whether I’ll ever be able to work again. I’ve been hoping to return in July. The numbness in my hands make it very difficult to type. I have to type slowly to reduce my typos and it also hurts my fingers to touch the keyboard. Unfortunately, typing is a BIG part of my job.

I am also still very clumsy on my feet. My feet sometimes get so numb, I begin to think I’ve lost them somewhere. It is possible the numbness could end up permanent, but still, it is a small price to pay for LIFE!

I hope I can somehow be an inspiration to someone else who is stuck walking down this path. I believe the key is to stay positive and having wonderful supportive friends and family.

I want to live to see my future grandchildren grow. I want to live to continue to love my friends and family and be a part of their lives. This is all the motivation I need to be strong and to fight. They are my reason for living.

Losing all of my hair and the problems with my hands and feet are worth sacrificing for the end result, being cancer free. I just want to wish love and happiness to all and encourage any of you who are walking down this path to stay strong & positive.

I Got Cancer For Christmas

Nae's Nest —  December 17, 2011 — 1 Comment

I Got Cancer For Christmas


I got cancer for Christmas

Was it because I was bad?

My family gathers around me

Tear streaked faces, very sad


My heart is full of love

And my thoughts are kind

Cancer is what is bad

It’s ugly head bites mankind


Cancer is a creature

Which needs to be destroyed

Glorious will be the day

When it is null and void


It is a carnivore

Feeding on mankind

Rearing it’s ugly head

Biting in my behind


Will the day ever come

A cure is brought to light

Making cancer extinct

A Welcome delight

by Renee Robinson

My Bra Makes Me Smarter

My cleavage looks like a baby’s butt. My favorite bra highlights (or is it headlights?)this effect.  There is nothing better then squeashed boobs encased in a contraption which vaguely looks like a doubled-cupped jockstrap.

I have come the realization that a man invented the bra. It is obvious he had a wild and kinky fantasy involving both pleasure and pain.   His pleasure, my pain.

Through the years, I have experimented with all types and styles of this con”trap”tion.  I recall my very first bra.  My mother insisted it was time for me to wear a training bra.  I was astounded.  I wondered, “What were we going to train my “breasts” to do?”,  “Will it hurt me?”  and “How can these 2 pimples wear a bra small enough to cover them?”

Mom presented me with a handkerchief.  I blew my nose.  Appalled, Mom demanded to know “Why would you do such a thing?”  Confused, I look at my mom and ask, “What else am I supposed to do with it?” Upon further inspection, I noticed my handkerchief had straps.  Instantly, I felt my face turning scarlet from embarrassment as it occurred to me what I had done.

Feeling silly, I put the “Hankerjock-strap” on.  It was a slip- on contraption.  Bending down, I step my feet into the device.  I begin to slip it over my legs and shimmy it up over my hips.  Oh alright, I didn’t have hips yet.

Let’s see, where was I?….OH Yes!…I shimmy the device up over my “hips” and slip my arms through the straps. I decide to do a little modeling for my mom.  Victoria’s Secret models couldn’t have strutted any better.

While picking a wedgie out of my ass, I twirl around for my mother, showing off my moves.  Duplicating the professional models, I wiggle my “hips” while strutting down the “runway- hallway”.  I look at my mother.  She did not have the expression of admiration and pride on her face, as I expected.  In fact, she had tears rolling down her cheeks.  Finally, she burst out into laughter.  She was clutching her belly and nearly fell out of her chair.  I stood there blinking.

In between gales of laughter, she proceeds to tell me what was so funny.  Shakily (and snickering) she reaches for me.  She instructs me to pull my arms out of the straps and then she easily slides the “hankerjock-strap” around.  Puzzled, I wondered why my shoulders blades needed “support”.

Laughing harder still, my mom begins to explain the hated device was on backward.  Ironically, the fit was the same.  I was mortified.  To this day, I will never understand why my damned pimples needed any support.  However, I did figure out what they were being trained to do.

My “boobs” were being trained to be smarter. Thanks to this valuable lesson, I never again put a bra on backward and my pimples figured out how to grow into melons.

Eventually, they grew and became nurses.  2 babies, who, otherwise, would have starved, grew plump as they greedily bit and played tug-a-war with my nipples.

The nurses have long since retired.  They now hang out in equally annoying “support” bras.  To answer the question I am certain comes to the minds of many of you….YES, my damned melons grew into deflated watermelons. AND YES! I have to pick them up and put them into the jock-cups.  Funny how they now mold into the cups, much like silly putty when it is placed back into it’s egg.

Well, I need to call my health insurance company now.  I am going to find out if they will cover my support bra.  Obviously, due to the major health risk of gravity, I now am forced to wear this torturous device.  However, I feel good knowing I have left my readers with a little more knowledge.


Nae’s Nest, WordPress

My Bra Makes Me Smarter