Archives For November 30, 1999

Mystical Mortal

Nae's Nest —  January 10, 2012 — 1 Comment

Mystical Mortal

I am fantastic

I am spectacular

I am a Mystical Mortal

Something remarkable


I have been blessed

With a life full of joy

God even gave me

A couple of boys


I have a family

The best one could have

They drive me nuts

For that I am glad


I have many friends

Too many to count

They help me through rough times

And climb every mount


I am a Mystical Mortal

I have one life to live

I am a remarkable

With one life to give


I choose to give my life

To all of you

I choose to share myself

Something you can view


I choose to live my life

With writing something remarkable

Which will continue to live

To be Mystically IMmortal


It is a kind of magic

The kind given by man

We are all Mystic Mortals

Each special with a plan


The magic part is finding

A gift you share

The gift you each have

A gift which is rare


The trick is to find

Your special treasure

That unique quality

Where inner magic is measured


A Mystical Mortal

I am thrilled to be

A wonderful being

To be just me


by Renee Robinson

Eye Of The Gypsy

Nae's Nest —  January 7, 2012 — 2 Comments

The Eye Of The Gypsy

Look in her eyes, what do you see?

A colorful world, mystical fantasy

Filled with diamonds, pearls, and gold

Many great things, all to be sold

Exotic animals, magical places

Wonderful people, beautiful faces


Look in her eyes, what do you see?

An ocean of sadness and angry sea

Crowded shelters, dirty streets

Angry people, Needing to eat

Poor workers, small paychecks

Landlord asking, is rent paid yet


And so the life of the gypsy

Nothing is like what it seems

Rich and colorful on the outside

Dark and pitiful on the inside

Glitter and gold shining bright

Dingy and cold every night


Gypsy beauty with a soul of gold

Always happy, truth be told

Enjoys life the gypsy way

Carefree and happy everyday

Heart full of love and forgiving

Never complains, always giving


She may be poor by man’s law

Sneered and abused, even outlawed

But her wealth is beyond measure

Her heart is her greatest treasure

Like the gypsy, I strive to be

Making my love deeper than the sea


by Renee Robinson



Evil Has A name

January 20, 2011
Dear Diary,

This past Tuesday I had to go in for an Esophageal Motility Test. A nasal cannula is fed through the nostril, down the throat and down esophagus.

Forgive me if I am repeating previous comments, however, my personal computer is down and I am unable to refer to my notes. The chemo damaged much of my memory and it seems the more sick I am the worse I am at remembering things.

I have been diagnosed with stage 2 Barrett’s disease. Stage 3 is full blown cancer, stage 2 is beginning to turn into cancer. I believe I did mention this previously, I will have to have surgery but first there are some obstacles in my path which will have to be cleared. I have to get my strength up, and have some pre-surgical testing.

Which brings me to this past Tues. I was unable to have the test because there is a blockage or barrier of some kind in my nasal cavity preventing the tubing from feeding through my nose. The test was stopped and I was sent immediately for a cat scan of my nasal cavity. I figure I will have results today by the latest. I have no more strength, I have no more willpower, all I have left is Hope but that seems to be slipping through my fingers.

It seems this merry go round will never stop and I am tired of the ride. I feel a strong desire to make amends, to tie up all lose ends, if you will. It is not that I give up, it is that I have reached the hardest part of this path that I have walked through so far. Worse than my original cancer diagnosis, worse than surgery, worse than struggling through chemo. I feel despair, which I am finding to be my worse enemy.

To my sweet sister, I know you will have difficulty reading this. You have been a wonderful support and I thank you so much. You certainly, can relate to my dilemma in so many ways. I love you Sis