Archives For November 30, 1999

Memories Of Tomorrow

Nae's Nest —  April 20, 2012 — 4 Comments

My heart aches

Unable to concentrate

Teardrops falling wetting my cheeks

My heart cries and it leaks

Looking at a tear, I see you

Encased inside, constant reminder

I do not know what to do

Memories of all the things we have not done

Riding horses and camping fun

So many reflections reminders of you

In my heart forever tucked away

Clinging to loving memories of yesterday


If you have faith in God, you have faith in us

Open the door to your heart,  allow me in

Can you easily evict me, as if we had never been?

The door to my heart is left open wide

Hoping you will come back walking inside

Unable to see a life without you

Unable to breath when I imagine I do


The song of our hearts

An orchestra with notes in perfect pitch

Directed by God,  our song is rich

How can you deny what He has orchestrated?

Without you the music dies

Turned to tears,  the notes cry

In tune with my tears

In rhythm with my heart

How do I stop the music

Without stopping

My heart

Renee Robinson

Swallows Sing

Nae's Nest —  April 11, 2012 — 4 Comments

As long as I can hear

The notes your heart plays

My body dances

In spirit with yours

No matter where you are

My heart will follow

Will sing to you

The song of the swallow

The swallow’s wings

Rhythmic beat

Soothing, sensual


Soaring to you

Wherever you may go

My heart always

Letting you know

Our song mates

The notes entwine

Sexual dance

Sensual in time

A lover’s dance

Belonging to us

The melody

Creating a lust

Music heightens

Reaching a stanza

Tempo running fast

Reaching a peak

The notes erect

The music explodes

The pounding of the keys

Slowing down, exhausted

The ivories sleep

Until the next time

The Swallow sings

by Renee Robinson

Nature’s Song

Nae's Nest —  March 31, 2012 — Leave a comment

I was sitting under

A giant oak tree

Smelling the bark

Wondering its history

What did it hear?

How many centuries?

What has it seen?

Its branches swaying

Leaves rustling

Playfully tussling

A leaf will fall

Land on the ground

On top of an ant

Who can’t get around

I watch the ant

As he struggles

With the leaf

I move it aside

To the ant’s relief

So I watch the ant

Carrying a crumb

So much

Bigger than he

Is so amazing

Wonder whats his destiny?

Where is he going?

How far will it be?

Carrying a package

Much bigger than he?

Now I see a chipmunk

Cute little bugger is he

He seems to be

Completely oblivious

Of staring me

He plays with another

They look rather small

Maybe that’s his brother

Out to play in the fall

So much beauty

Often not seen

We are too busy

Within our own scene

Running all around

Doing this and that

Have to go here

Need to go there

There is no time

To sit here and stare

This is a luxury

I get to enjoy

It is my duty

To share the

Wonder and Joy

It is beautiful music

A grand symphony

It can be heard

As you run

Within the wind


To school

And to work

The music dances

While you run

Your step enhances

The beat of the music

You are part of the swing

We all come together

It is Nature’s dream

The bird and the trees

The squirrels

And the leaves

We are all part

Of this grand


It can be heard

While you run

In a hustle



And moving

In a bustle

Open your hears

As you run about

Hear what you

Are missing

Even if it is

A child’s shout

Noise is graffiti

Graffiti is art

Art is music

For which you

Are apart

The song of the wind

The choir of the birds

Woodwind trees

Branches sway

In the breeze

The bass of the frog

The buzz of bees

Even a child’s sneeze

Everything is

Where it belongs

We are all

Apart of

Nature’s Song

Listen to the words

See where you belong

Pick up the melody

Hum out the tune

You are a wonderfully


Happily needed

Part of

Nature’s Song

by Renee Robinson

I See It Clearly

Nae's Nest —  March 27, 2012 — 6 Comments

I See It Clearly

In my past life

I was a frog

I love green

Lilly pads and

Rippling streams

A summer’s night

Filled with

Musical dreams

The Bullfrog Choir

And the Cricket Band

Accompanied by

The Firefly Light Show

Sights and sounds

Oh so grand

Yes, I see it clearly

In the stillness

Of a cool

Summer’s night

I was a frog

In my past life

by Renee Robinson