Musical Realm

Nae's Nest —  May 12, 2012 — 6 Comments

I polished my shoes

Dusted off the cd’s

The music is paying

It is calling me

Into a world

Of musical notes

Dancing, diving

Next stanza, floats

Twirling around

Musical frenzy

Building up speed

This song is for me

A lifetime of music

Brilliantly played

Slow dance and fast

Love is displayed

Generations of notes

History plays on

My chorus is singing

My time dances on

Up with the notes

Down for the rhyme

Every moment enjoyed

Zest of a life that’s mine

Small I may be

In this musical realm

But loved just the same

Spirits foretell

Finding my place

My own special note

The part of life’s song

The spirits wrote

Just for my soul

My spiritual being

Preparing me

For my next ring

The ring of life

Circle unbroken

Blessed by God

A new door opens

Follow the notes

The song within

It will lead you

Show you the way

They key to life’s music

Just a song away

Renee Robinson

Thank you Naomi. Our conversation inspired this piece.

Nae's Nest


I find myself "Dancing With Cancer", problem is...I can't dance. I stumble, bumble, and get pulled along. To keep my sanity, (humor me), I write short stories, a journal, musings and poetry....just about anything goes.

6 responses to Musical Realm


    Maybe they need to come out with a….”Psalm Pilot” Sorry I couldn’t resist…Forgive me..


    Dear Nae, as I was reading this, I was thinking, “Yes! Beautiful!” Such an inspiring piece. How sweet to find a special note at the end! Words give life and light and make their own reality. I will always picture you twirling and leaping to your own sweet song.

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