Wild Blue

Nae's Nest —  April 29, 2012 — 4 Comments

Magical flame

Calls out my name

A wild blue dance

Shall never be tame

We are alike

The flame and I

We both enjoy

Our wild side

Hypnotic flames

Drawing me in

Sharing wonderful

Stories of me

We are alike

The flame and I

We both enjoy

Story time

Wondrous flame

Centuries old

The beginning of time

History unfold

The flame’s embers

The root of time

Orange, green and blue

Nature’s design

A thing of beauty

Providing such warmth

Protects from evil

From danger, it warns

Use with caution

Take great care

Saving it is

But users beware!

Fire is life

Death it is too

Deserving respect

For all it can do

Dancing flame

Show of burning colors

Blazing music

Is it felt by others?

I hear the music

Flickering chimes

Crying with the wind

A ghostly rhyme

Renee Robinson

Nae's Nest


I find myself "Dancing With Cancer", problem is...I can't dance. I stumble, bumble, and get pulled along. To keep my sanity, (humor me), I write short stories, a journal, musings and poetry....just about anything goes.

4 responses to Wild Blue


    Fabulous! I like it’s rhythm – very witchy 🙂


    burningly delicious poem…love it:)

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