A Leaf of My Mind

Nae's Nest —  April 25, 2012 — 2 Comments


Something is missing

There must be a link

Something left behind

Gone in a blink

Is some small part left?

Somewhere behind?

A part of my self

Faded in time

An elite society

Social occult

Swept me in

Mind jolt

There must be some trace

A trace left behind

A fleeting print

A leaf of my mind

I am uprooted

Washed DNA

Deleted and booted

No trace of Nae

Calling behind a wall

A wall of trees

Trace evidence

A trace of me

Personal imprint

I was here

No social misprint

Becoming a ring

Within the trees

Faded with time



In the leaf

Of the tree

Trace evidence



Renee Robinson

Brooke Shaden

Nae's Nest


I find myself "Dancing With Cancer", problem is...I can't dance. I stumble, bumble, and get pulled along. To keep my sanity, (humor me), I write short stories, a journal, musings and poetry....just about anything goes.

2 responses to A Leaf of My Mind


    Nae, this is a powerful beautifully expressed “word of art.”

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