Archives For November 30, 1999

The Maiden

Nae's Nest —  March 7, 2012 — 5 Comments

The young maiden was beautiful and scared.  A man in the village selected her to wed.  Out of nowhere, it seemed, Sir Author Belcher appeared and asked for her hand.  He was visiting from a village far away.  The last couple of nights he noticed Anna, as she would quietly serve. It wasn’t long before Sir Author came to Anna’s father, asking for her hand.

Along with his proposal he offered 2 hogs, 1 cow, a dozen chickens and a horse.  Anna’s father, Belvin Cooper was not satisfied with the offer.

Over fine wine, Belvin began to explain how, since the passing of his last wife, he was a lonely man.  Author, eager to seal the deal for Anna’s hand, offered Belvin a maiden of his choosing from Author’s personal herd.  These maidens had all been born into Author’s flock.  Many, Author proudly sired himself.  The herd traveled everywhere with Author.  They were all well-trained in domestic tasks, some were bright enough to even read, he proclaimed.

Author was known to travel with the finest herd of beautiful maidens.  He always had them on hand for offers such as this.  Belvin was eager to accept Author’s offer.  However, he insisted he first select the maiden of his choice and sample her, before handing his daughter over to Author. Author agreed under the condition that Belvin’s sample be restricted to a few kisses and a nice squeeze.  Author guaranteed that all of the maidens in his herd were virgins.  Belvin quickly agreed.

Later that evening, Belvin was led to Author’s herd. After much thought and consideration, he selected 5 women to sample.  Author called their names.  One at a time, they were led to Belvin.  Belvin, who had been drinking heavily and partaking of fried sausage, garlic and onions gave each maiden deep throaty kisses.  Along with each kiss, he allowed his hands to roam freely over each maiden’s body.  He made sure to prod all of his favorite curves for just the right amount of fat, strength and child-bearing stability.

Once satisfied, Belvin selected a maiden named Cassie for his new bride.  Cassie was younger than Anna and just as frightened.  The exchange of wivestock was to be made that evening.  Both men retired to their huts to be pampered and dressed.  The maidens were each led to their separate chambers to be perfumed, painted and dressed.  The maidens also had to begin fasting.

It was customary for the maidens to begin to fast at the time they began to dress and prepare for the ceremony.  They were not permitted to eat for 3 nights.  It was believed by consuming nothing except the affections of their husbands for 3 days and 3 nights, they would be blessed with many sons.

Later that evening both maidens were led to an altar in the middle of the town.  They both had to kneel.  The men each sat down next to the maidens.  The altar was used for a dining table during the ceremony.  The maidens, while on their knees, had to feed and serve their new husbands while they sat at the table to enjoy the feast. Once the meal was consumed, the maidens were led away from the altar while the men were entertained with whiskey and dancing wivestock.

While the men were being entertained, the maidens were being prepared for dessert by a few of the elder wives of the village.  It is during this ritual the maidens receive bits and pieces of what to expect from their husbands.  The wives explained how sometimes, a man may bite or hit them.  Usually this only occurs during moments of passion or if angered.  They were told as long as they obeyed, they most likely would not be beaten.  As the women received theses instructions, their lips were being painted with berry flavored glosses.  Their nails were polished in hot cinnamon flavored paints.  Breasts were made up to taste like apples, while necks were flavored in vanilla.  When the elderly wives were finished with the young maidens, every part of their bodies–from hair to toenails, either tasted or smelled like berry cinnamon cream pie.

Next the women were dressed in flowing white creamy seduction clothing which is especially designed to entice.  The scared maidens are crying.  The elder wives chastise them for their ungrateful behavior.  They remind the maidens how lucky they both are to have husbands who have such great importance and standing within their communities.   As long as the husbands approve, these ladies will want for nothing.  Anna is deemed especially lucky as she will be wife number 14.  She will not be required to please her husband every night.  This chore will be shared among an entire herd of wives.

Cassie will be the only wife of Sir Belvin.  At one time, he had 13 wives.  7 were so young, they died in childbirth. 3 were beaten to death by Sir Belvin when each angered and displeased him in some way.  The remaining died of the fever when an outbreak took over.

Sir Belvin sired 4 boys, who are married, outstanding young men within the community.  Anna, is the youngest child and the last to marry.  To Belvin’s embarrassment, he has fathered 12 girls.  In his faith, fathering more girls than boys is a curse from God.  It is believed Belvin has done something to displease God.  Until he can figure out what he has done, and ask forgiveness, the curse will continue as long as Belvin lives.

At last, the maidens are ready to be served to their husbands.  While the maidens were being prepared for dessert, the men each went to their own tents.  They are each waiting for their new wives to arrive.

Anna arrives to Sir Author’s tent.  He is sitting on a pallet waiting for Anna to come and undress him.  She will also be expected to bath and groom him.  Once this chore is completed, she is at Author’s mercy and must do, without complaint, anything that he should ask for.

Thus the plight of a woman within this community.  They are treated like sheep.  A woman is viewed as being less than human, she has no feelings, thoughts, or opinions.  She has simply been created to serve, to please, and to birth.  If she is found to be unsatisfactory, for any reason, she can be beaten to death and disposed of like spoiled meat.  They are married off to men they do not know.  Many are still very young girls.  “Love” does not exist in this community.  This community is nothing more than a living hell.

by Renee Robinson