Archives For November 30, 1999

Gertie Cracks is happily awaiting a Valentine.  It will be the very first one she has ever received.  She believes she has a secret admirer who will finally reveal himself to her.  We will check with Gertie later to see if she did receive a Valentine.

Poor Charlie Brown was a bit late delivering a Valentine to his Secret Love, Gertie Cracks.  He has loved her from afar for the past 7 months.

Gertie sits directly in front of Charlie Brown  in the classroom.  He often looks at her head and dreams of how perfect they would be for each other.  He began leaving her small tokens of his affection. He brought her a store-bought cupcake on her birthday.  He even gave her a red, white and blue lollipop for President’s Day.

At last, he is going to let her know who her admirer is.  Poor  Charlie Brown is scared and nervous.  Maybe she doesn’t like the shape of his head.  What if she thinks he’s a blockhead!  These concerns were what made him late to the post office.  He arrived just at closing time.  He thinks he missed the deadline.

Poor Charlie Brown.  What was he to do?  She would be looking for a Valentine.  Good Grief!  He couldn’t even sleep as the worry was such a heavy burden.

Suddenly, it occurred to him!  Leaping out of bed, he went about the house looking for glue, glitter, tape, paper, anything!  Anything whatsoever that could be used to make her a Valentine.

Satisfied he had everything he needed, at 3:00am, he began to create Gertie a Valentine.  Carefully, he selected just the right colors.

His card didn’t look anything like any store-bought ones.   Somehow he managed to draw exactly what he saw in his mind.  He was pleased.

9:00am- A very anxious and a very nervous Charlie Brown decided to walk over to Gertie’s house and place his card into her mailbox.  Maybe he would catch her on the way to school.  They could walk together.  His mind made up, Charlie Brown gets up and begins walking to Gertie’s house.  Whistling a catchy tune and happily sprints.

Just as Charlie Brown reached Gertie’s driveway, he sees her!  His angel, his love, his nerves!!!  “Calm down Blockhead” he mutters to himself.

Upon spotting Charlie Brown, Gertie blushed.  “Why hullo there, Charlie.  Very nice to see you”

Poor Charlie Brown couldn’t find his tongue.  “Whatcha gots there?”, Gertie asks.

Feeling a blush taking over his entire head.  He said, “This is something especially for you. It is a 1 of a kind.  There are no others like it.  I made it for you.”

Gertie squeals in delight when Charlie Brown hands it to her.   “Oh! Charlies!”, she squeals.  She gives him a rose, it was really for their teacher, but he doesn’t know.

Gertie’s little heart was doing somersaults, she was so happy.  Looking at the card Charlie Brown made her.  She beamed and glowed.  At that moment Charlie Brown knew she was the most beautiful girl in the whole world.

Gertie began to chatter, as they walked on to school.  Charlie Brown listened closely.  She said, “Charlies, you tooks me by surprise.  You sent me 2 Valentines!  How sweet and touching that is.  She took his store-bought card out to take another look:

“I love this one too.  I will keeps both ever and ever.”  They were nearing the school, about to enter.  Charlie Brown opened the door, to allow the lady in.  Gertie’s sweet face beaming as she smiles.  Gertie whispered in his ear, “I loves you too”.  Both continue on toward their classroom.  Not saying anything else, only wearing big blushing smiles.