Archives For November 30, 1999

This story is a real gas!

Nae's Nest —  March 25, 2012 — 1 Comment

I found this very entertaining. Get ready to smile and maybe laugh a little.

Humbled Pie

Like most southern women my mother took primary responsibility for our religious training.  That’s not to say that southern fathers aren’t as concerned with the parochial status of progeny souls, but Dad’s idea of moral education bent more to the ‘do what the hell I tell you and your ass won’t end up in a sling’ book of prophesy.  Getting four young children clean, dressed in Sunday’s best, herded into the family Oldsmobile and actually delivered across the theological threshold on time should be enough to qualify for some unfettered length of time in paradise.  It apparently was not enough for Mother.  One day she announced she was joining the choir.

Singing in the Sunday choir allowed her the additional emotional stimulus and requisite soulful refreshment that even Wednesday night rehearsal could provide someone running a household with constant unselfish attention to everyone else’s wants and needs.  It did, however…

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