Archives For March 31, 2014

Social Starvation

Nae's Nest —  April 29, 2014 — Leave a comment

Social Starvation

I have no face. I have no voice.

I am out of place.

I hunger for acceptance

I hunger for friends

I hunger for happiness

I need an end

An end to loneliness

An end to pain

An end to fear

And name calling stains

It stains my heart. It stains my soul

It stains my being. It is out of control

I hurt all the time.  Deep, deep inside

I want it to stop. I am at the end of my line



Social starvation

Should I live? Should I die?

Will anyone care? Will anyone cry?

Renee Robinson

Why Do People Hate Librarything? 4% People Do (9 opinions)

Book Nazis!

Check out the preview

Nae's Nest —  April 25, 2014 — 1 Comment

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Pappy’s Teeth is available for free download and preview at this link:

Enjoy and leave me your thoughts.


Nae's Nest —  April 25, 2014 — Leave a comment
In honor of my brother’s 58th b-day. His teeth aren’t portable, yet. If they were I bet he will be as funny as Pappy.
Free preview of my newest children’s book: My Pappy. Check it out and leave your comments. xxoxx
Check out my newest children’s book, “Pappy’s Teeth”. Follow this link for paperback info. eBook available on

Mother’s Day is Not Very Far-away. Get a gift today!.

Mother’s Day is just around the corner. Get Mom’sgrandma’s free gift now. It is a gift shared by both Mother and child.

My Mommy Free Download for a limited time only!

It’s a Mother’s Day book, greeting card and gift all in one! Free for limited time only.4.20.14-4.26.14
My Mommy, Holiday Series Vol 3
The Third Book: Celebrates Mother’s Day with this clever combo. Is it a child’s story told in rhyme? Is it a greeting card for Mom? Is it a Mother’s Day coloring book? It is ALL three!
“My Mommy” 
tells of a mother’s love from the time of birth and as the child grows. Mom gives hugs and kisses. She sometimes puts band-aids on boo-boos and she is fun to play with. 
My Mommy” encourages mother and child to spend a little cuddle time together on Mother’s Day as they read together.
My Mommy is a mother’s day story, greeting card, and coloring book the child can color and give proudly to Mom for Mother’s Day.
Keep your eyes out for the next Holiday Book in the series. Your child will be thrilled to collect the complete set. 
Don’t forget to leave a review.

My Mommy

My Mommy

Earth’s Tears

Freely they flow

As quietly she gazes around the hollow.

Once filled with trees and the lovely bird’s song.

Overlooked by blue skies and midnight stars that glowed.

Gone is the stream with clear cold water

Where children would wade as summer grows hotter.

The wolf lost her pups when crossing the road.

Her den destroyed, it was bulldozed.

She must move on with nowhere to go.

The city has swallowed the lush hollow.

Once filled with trees and the lovely bird’s song.

Now filled with horns and cars that don’t belong.

She looks to the sky. She wonders where she’ll go.

She prays to the Spirit as her tears flow.

Renee Robinson

The Bunny Tale

Nae's Nest —  April 20, 2014 — Leave a comment

Though he knew he shouldn’t
Off the path he veered
He prayed he would be safe
From all the beasts he feared
Slowly he hopped, the lonely trail
It wasn’t long he was pulled by the tail
The Wolf was big and he was mean
The biggest fangs you’ve ever seen

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