Archives For November 3, 2012

Light Your Candle

Nae's Nest —  November 3, 2012 — 6 Comments

Never hide your light

Let it shine! Let it shine!

It is in your nature

It is your bloodline

You may be different

This is not bad

It is your gift

To behold and be glad

Your light makes you glow

Stand out in the crowd

It is what makes you

Stand up and be proud

Do not blend in

Like a chameleon

Let your light shine

You are one in a million

It is your magic

It makes your skin glow

It warms your heart

It lets everyone know

You have a heritage

A special treasure

To bring joy others

To bring pleasure

It makes your touch warm

It shines in your eyes

Allowing you to see all

As if hypnotized

Able to crossover

Slowly you rise

Feet not touching the floor

Completely mesmerized

Seeing the world

In a different way

Searching for answers

Mystical getaway

Passing through realms

In search of the one

Which makes your light shine

Bright as the sun

A bewitching glow

It warms the heart

See with new eyes

Before you depart

A slow descent

That you may ground

That you may share the vision

Spread it around

To the rich, to the poor

To those in need

Of a little light

You plant a seed

Making a  smile

Bringing light their way

Light your candle

Brighten a day

Let it shine! Let it shine!

Stand up and be proud

Be who you are

Shout it out loud!

Renee Robinson