This is another favorite blog I enjoy as I am a great fan of the mysteries of science.

Chaos Sweeps Away the World We Know! The Disaster, current events & Catastrophe Blog. Forecasts for 2014 to 2022. Read tomorrows news today! Plus current economic, commodities, stock indices and financial news.

February 26, 2013 An illustration of a black hole the size of nearly 10 billion Suns. Inside it, where gravity is so in- tense that not even light can escape, our solar system is shown to scale: Astronomers are reporting that they have taken the measure of the biggest, baddest black holes yet found in the universe, 10 times the size of our solar system into which billions of Suns have vanished like a guilty thought.

Such holes might be the gravitational cornerstones of galaxies and clues to the fates of violent quasars, the almost supernaturally powerful explosions in the hearts of young galaxies that dominated the early years of the universe.

One of these newly surveyed monsters, which weighs as much as 21 billion Suns, is in an egg-shaped swirl of stars known as NGC 4889, the brightest galaxy in a sprawling cloud of thousands of…

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Nae's Nest


I find myself "Dancing With Cancer", problem is...I can't dance. I stumble, bumble, and get pulled along. To keep my sanity, (humor me), I write short stories, a journal, musings and poetry....just about anything goes.

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